Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Change is as good as a rest

A nice short blog, this time.

I was reading Facebook a while back and a friend posted something that caught my eye.(thank you Pamela Gapes for this) It was something that was interesting for anyone who is always on the look-out to better themselves.It was 5 things to quit (right now). Here are the list and my views.

  1. Trying to please everyone.
  2. Fearing Change
  3. Living in the past
  4. putting yourself down
  5. overthinking

1. Trying to please everyone.
Something I find myself doing, especially with my music. I have to get back to the roots of ZEEKtheFREAK and please myself, not others. I know I can never please everyone, but if I can please a few, then my work is a success.

2.Fearing change.
Being a Libra birth, it has been a burden for me, Luckily I think I am slowly getting over this. I know I have to change my show and a lot of the material as it is now stale to me. I am slowly coming to terms that this is also connected to point 3.

3. Living in the past.
For too long, I have been looking back and hanging onto what I had and not looking forward to what I CAN have

4. Putting yourself down.
I hear other singers and bands and think, shit I wish I was as good as that and it's strange because I listen to some of my old material and stuff from the Gullible's Travels CD and, ARE that good, uncertainty about whether I am good enough or not and hell man, I am good enough.

5. Overthinking.
This is new to me and something, I want to delete from my thoughts, from my character. Thinking everyone is against me or speaking about me or lying to me.....if someone wants to do this or think this about me...then they can, it's not my problem.

We are never too old to learn, that really stupid quote, you can't teach old dogs new tricks is utter bullshit. A person can be 90 and still change, so if you hear someone say this, then it is not that they can change, it is because they DON'T WANT to change.

I am not saying people should follow these quotes or change, but if you try something you don't know, it might improve your life and isn't that what we all long for, a better time on this earth. One the best slogans ever was that of Durex: A change is as good as a rest. I would like to use it for this blog

People, be yourself, be nice to each other and buy my music (well, a Freak has to live 😉)

Cabannes 2nd April 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017


....and so the next chapter.

I have been lucky in life, I have no regrets, really, I did have some brilliant times and some crap times, but that is what makes life so interesting and a person into who he is.
When I had money, I spent it, on instruments and lots of alcohol. Not drugs, although a lot of people thought I did, lol. I never could save my money. Was it the right thing to do, I will never know, but like I said I have no regrets and man I did have some cool times.

And so I move on to the next chapter of my life, yes I know I moved here nearly 2 years ago, but there was always something pulling me back there. Was it the uncertainty of a new life, was it the friends, it was definitely the fact I still own a house there. Now after these past 2 years I realise If I remain in my Alkmaar mode, I would then miss the thrill of a beautiful life all around me in the scerenic Provence and I would miss the amazing amount of attention, I receive from the beautiful person next to me and the love, the knowledge and the gift of opening my eyes to reality and not a dream.

I am not sure if this blog should be called Burning the bridges, that may sound a bit drastic....maybe it should have been 'Closing the door', 'changing the lock' or 'moving on'....but as an old friend warned me,the way I live my life I am burning bridges I can never rebuild. Maybe,just maybe they are burning for a reason. I know not everyone in that community are such, but man the fakeness is dripping off a lot of people....nice to you when you are around and play like they do, but hell if you break away and do not play by their rules...then I have changed, I am under the thumb (makes me laugh when you see my life and the amount of freedom I have)....totally in no way supportive or interested in my life.

I will always help someone in need, if necessary I would give them the shirt of my back and I think that my fault is,  I think everyone should live that way, but that is wrong. The world would be a boring place if we were all the same and what the hell would I write about in my
But, I diverse, back to the story at hand. I totally loved my time in Alkmaar and yes I called it home, but in all sincerity my home will always be Dundee. Even when I am living and loving the beauty and the warmth of the Mediterranean.

I know it's time to start looking forward and not back. This will be my last blog moaning about old times or old friends or fakeness or times past. I want to be again the positive person I always was and now that the load I bare has been lightened, I think I am on the right road to being that person again.  So yes bridges will burn, but if a friend says he is a friend he will swim to me and prove he is.

ZEEKtheFREAK 27/02/2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017

A fine line

Like the immortal words of Denzel in the film Philadelphia: 
"Explain this to me like I'm a two-year-old, cause there's an element of this I can't get through my thick head."

When is a hobby a hobby and when does it become a business? 
When does a close friend become just an acquaintance from the past?

My music was always my dream and yes a hobby, because I had a full-time job as a painter, with a reasonable income. Now times have changed, I no longer have a full-time job and actually, I have no income at the moment, thus I have had to rethink my plans.

So now I see ZEEKtheFREAK no longer as a past-time but as a product/ my livelihood and like other companies/ bars/ restaurant/ musicians or whatever I am trying to sell as much of my product, to try and get some income. 
Thus I use the social media, Facebook, Twitter etc to promote my songs and try to get as much attention as I can, to the fact I am selling my music. 
I encouraged friends to help out, as word of mouth advertisement works the best, but since I knew no-one would dare do that, due to the 'do not encourage him' threat...yes, this is honestly real, not something thought up, I knew I would have to do the publicity myself.

I know I cannot force my music on people,no that is not in my character, but I asked family and friends to help out.....buying the songs would, of course, be the best solution for me, but since again I knew it was too much to ask, I asked them just to share my posts and that could maybe lead to others who have never heard of ZEEKtheFREAK finding my music and thus maybe letting their friends hear it and thus creating a chain reaction that could lead to other things, but, this was met with silence or 'oh, I never saw the post', I was even accused of putting too many ZEEKtheFREAK posts on MY page and I know people actually stopped following me, yes it is far easier to stick your head in the sand than witness another advertisement and virtual plea's asking for their help.

Another example, after Halloween, when the 'Blow a Fuse' CD's were STOLEN, no not borrowed or lost, they were stolen from a well-known bar in Alkmaar. I again asked family and friends in Alkmaar to re-post my post to get as much publicity, but again...not one friend or family member re-posted it and on the Well-known bar's Facebook page, a small post saying the CD's were borrowed. 
The profits from the sale of the CD were to be used to finance 'the Gullible's Travels' CD, now I have to find another way to raise the cash.
Yet, a friend's bike was stolen, another person's house had something stolen and I see nothing but shared posts on Facebook and people crying outrage, while I get accused of being a bastard, because I was negative about the well-known bar and their lack of empathy...

I must stress there are friends who help me out without me even asking. I am proud to know them, not because they helped me but because they did it without being asked and that is the kind of person I like to be and yes this post all sounds like a bit like me having a whinge, but, I genuinely don't get it. People say they are your friend and I actually helped a lot of them in the past, only because I think that is the right thing to do, so that is why I ask ...
"Explain this to me like I'm a two-year-old, cause there's an element of this I can't get through my thick head."....when someone starts a new company, they need all the support they can get, but I received the silent treatment from family and friends and even told to grow up or it's just a hobby, you'll never be famous etc.....even when I explained I had no money and every penny would help. 
So what can I do? What can I say? Like every company, I need the support of close friends, family etc., to even have a chance of surviving in the dog eat dog arts world.

I know for a fact without the help and support of my misses, I might have called it a day on following my dreams. 

I genuinely hope everyone who reads this is happy and I wish everyone nothing but good fortune. I will continue to make my music, as I will continue to try and sell my product, that is ZEEKtheFREAK, but the 'Alkmaar' chapter of my life is coming to a close. I will no longer ask or rely on these friends for their help, neither will I mention it again, this book is closed, with just one more sentence.........and Denzel's I borrow the idea behind your quote, but change it to my Freaky style....
"What the fuck do I have to do to get your help?"

ZEEKtheFREAK Cabannes 11/02/2017

A Change is as good as a rest

A nice short blog, this time. I was reading Facebook a while back and a friend posted something that caught my eye. (thank you Pamela Gape...